Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 6: Study and Meditations on This Sunday's Scripture Readings

To help us prepare for this coming Sunday, here are the readings, studies and reflections for this coming Sunday's Scripture readings. This Sunday is the 9th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A.  This Sundays Gospel Reading concludes a series of Sundays in which we heard from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. This will lead us into the liturgical season of Lent, which begins next week with Ash Wednesday.

Here are the Scripture readings from the U.S. Catholic bishops website.

My own weekly study can be found here under "Current Study."

Here are three audio reflections on the readings by Sister Ann Shields, Dr. Scott Hahn and Fr. Robert Barron.

Here is a Catholic Bible study podcast on the Gospel Reading, about an hour long, from the Franciscan Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother

The Navarre Bible Commentary for each reading can be viewed here.

Further study resources for the Readings: St. Charles Borromeo Bible Study can be found here, and Catholic Matters can be found here.

Just a reminder: If you are thinking about a home or parish-based Lenten Scripture study, you can plan ahead by going to our new page on the main web site that contains studies for all the Sundays of Lent, including Palm Sunday. You can find that here.

Please consider supporting those who provide these free resources. If you would like to prayerfully consider a donation to help the Sunday Scripture Study for Catholics apostolate with the cost of maintaining the website server, please go to the main page here.

Discussion, questions and charitable comments are always welcome. Have a blessed week!

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